Unity Academy @ Source Academy Code Examples

By Wang Zihan   Module Documentation >   Prefab Information >

  Floating Cube (Simple Usage Demo)
A very simple demo for creating a cube that is moving and rotating in the space.

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  Basic Character Control (3D)
A demo of a basic third-person character controller in 3D mode.

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  Simple Platformer Game (2D)
A simple platformer game that uses 2D physics engine and collision detaction.

In this demo, you can learn how to possibly make simple 2D games with Unity Academy module.

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  3D Physics
A demo of using 3D physics engine on a simple cube.

In this demo, you can see how the 3D physics engine could be used to simulate physical movement.

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  State Controlling (Relatively Complex)
A relatively complex demo of using custom properties to control different states.

In this demo, the character has five different states: [idle, walking, begin_sprint, running, attacking].

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  3D Simple PvE Game Demo
Based on the state controlling demo above, added enemies' AI and multiple enemies to form a PvE demo that both player and enemies can attack each other.

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  GUI Functions Demo
A simple demo showing how the 'gui_button' and 'gui_label' functions could be used.

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